Kalat-E-Naderi – Mashhad

Nature , Historical
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Kalat-E-Naderi – Mashhad

Kalat-E-Naderi – Mashhad

Kalat-E-Naderi – Mashhad

Excavate land of the mysterious sun. Kalat-e-Nader is surrounded by Mountains and the only entrance is a narrow Tunnel. The old monument of Nader Shah which is built like the image of sun shines in its red collar and carved Sunflowers on it.

145 kilometers away from Mashhad and through mountain roads, you can reach the beautiful Kalat region.
A historic land which was favored with the attention of Nader Shah – one of the most powerful Iranian rulers and conquerors throughout the history.

In the spectacular region, you will see the unique Nader Shah’s Sun Palace with its amazing architecture and paintings belonging to 1700s, but it doesn’t end of our schedule. The Kalat clime
contains 8 waterfalls, the most famous of them is QarehSou where you can enjoy the beautiful nature. Sightseeing the historic inscriptions carved on mountains and visiting Gonbad-E-Kaboud mosque while listening to their stories, will all be just a part of your exciting journey. Make sure you’ve prepared yourself for breathtaking historic and natural tour around the Kalat region and its great mysteries!

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