Tomb of Hafez

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Tomb of Hafez

Tomb of Hafez

Tomb of Hafez

Most Iranians appreciate their many poets and worship them as national shrines. We can clearly see this when we arrive at dark to Hafez tomb. The tomb is lit so that the beautiful mosaic really comes into its own. Around the tomb stand people of all ages, quietly and in deep contemplation.

If you wish to get down and feel the pulse of the nation, the tomb of Hafez is surely a place to get started with. There is famous saying in Shiraz that goes like this- Every Iranian must have two things- a Quran and a collection of Hafez’s work. He was a 14th-century hero who had great influence over the people of the city. Everyone loved him for his thoughts and ideals which would rightly depict the ingrained values and morals of Islamic culture. The place, established in 1773, has an octagonal pavilion supported by eight stone columns beneath a tiled dome. If you are planning to visit the place, come during sunsets. It is at this time when most of the Iranians gather here to pay him their respect by performing a popular ritual ‘faal-e-Hafez’. The ritual consists of reading some verses from his books loud and interprets them together. A tea house sits nearby in case visitors feel to refreshen themselves. The dome is close to the heart of the city and deemed to be a must-visit for anyone travelling to Shiraz.

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